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Sound insulation box

DATE: 2022-05-21 09:03:18

1、Product profile

Isolation speaker (anti-speaker) is a kind of noise detection equipment with high sound insulation, sound absorption and noise elimination performance.It is widely used in the noise index testing of various products,

It is a common equipment for product quality monitoring and research and development of enterprises and research institutes.Guangzhou Dan product artificial environment technology co., LTD., has ten years of noise laboratory, noise detection products and equipment of acoustic product research and development, production and implementation experience, the company with independent patents and other core technology research and development of the speaker (speaker), has been in electronics, communication, electrical appliances, automobile, motor manufacturing, and many other industries widely used.

Test objects: all products with noise generation, such as communication equipment, precision equipment, electronic components, micro motor, etc.; 

test purpose: noise test, product development or acoustic measurement and vibration analysis of product performance; test instruments: ordinary sound level meter, precision level noise meter, multi-channel noise and vibration analyzer, and various noise and vibration test equipment.

2、Product model, specification and price

3、Sound insulation performance of the product

(Sound insulation performance diagram)

Note: Green is the guaranteed sound insulation value after product delivery to customers, blue is the factory sound insulation test value of the product, and red is the sound insulation value of similar products of other companies.

4、Product materials and appearance

5、Product delivery, warranty and value-added services
